Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Share 3 (three) exact quotes that are meaningful to you (from across these two chapters), and explain why they matter to you.

I liked the phrase, " if the student says, "I need affirmation, contribution, power, purpose, and challenge," such a teacher replies, "I will respond to those needs." This quote is meaningful to me because it says what the teacher should be doing for her students. The teacher needs to make sure that each student gets affirmation, power, purpose, and challenges.
The second quote that i liked was, "Because you are a human being, endowed with the value and possibilities of humanity, i must treat you with dignity."
I like this quote because it reminds us that the students we teach are human beings with feelings and expressions.
The last quote that i liked was, "learners are adaptable." this quote means that students will adapt to your classroom specifics and that you can make it hard for the student or you can make it easy. You can make adapting to your classroom easy if you let the students know what your expectations are.  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

blog #3

i learned that building a classroom community is very important. i learned that in creating a classroom community you need to make your students feel safe. They need a warm comfortable classroom that they can take risks in. I learned that morning meetting does just that. i want my classroom to be a classroom that everyone feels safe in. I want to break down the clicks and have my class group together and learn together.

What does the following phrase mean, and what you think about it? “…emotions trump learning.”

Emotions make you remember things and if you go through something in real life with emotion it will stay with you longer than you taking notes on class in something that you dont care about. Caring about something is an emotion and i have learned that when you care about something you will put everything that you have in it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog #2 for differenciation

On page 22, Tomlinson says, “The truth is, we will never really do all each child needs us to do.” Later on this page she says, “The point is not to entertain guilt. The point is to relentlessly seize the remarkable opportunity of a teacher to shape lives – to do the best we can to ensure that we are better at reaching children today than yesterday, better at it this year than last.”
          This quote is especially true to me because it says that as teachers who are human we are bound to make mistakes. We maybe won't handle a student or situation very well, but we can learn from these mistakes. We will have the next lesson or even the next year be an improvement to the year or lesson before as long as we are willing to learn from our mistakes.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1st differentiation questions

1b. On page 10 of this reading assignment, Tomlinson says, “… we teach responsively when we understand the need to teach the human beings before us as well as to teach the content with which we are charged. … [It] is important to begin with the conviction that we are no longer teaching if what we teach is more important than who we teach or how we teach.” What does this mean to you?

It is said that a wise teacher links required content to the students interests in order to hook the learner. Who we teach and How we teach matters so much because everybody learns differently. I think that the quote is saying that we (as teachers) need to understand that we can talk all we want to the students in our classroom but unless we learn about the students and how they learn our talking will never become teaching and learning. I want my classroom to be full of learners not just really good listeners.