Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1st differentiation questions

1b. On page 10 of this reading assignment, Tomlinson says, “… we teach responsively when we understand the need to teach the human beings before us as well as to teach the content with which we are charged. … [It] is important to begin with the conviction that we are no longer teaching if what we teach is more important than who we teach or how we teach.” What does this mean to you?

It is said that a wise teacher links required content to the students interests in order to hook the learner. Who we teach and How we teach matters so much because everybody learns differently. I think that the quote is saying that we (as teachers) need to understand that we can talk all we want to the students in our classroom but unless we learn about the students and how they learn our talking will never become teaching and learning. I want my classroom to be full of learners not just really good listeners.

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