Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Share 3 (three) exact quotes that are meaningful to you (from across these two chapters), and explain why they matter to you.

I liked the phrase, " if the student says, "I need affirmation, contribution, power, purpose, and challenge," such a teacher replies, "I will respond to those needs." This quote is meaningful to me because it says what the teacher should be doing for her students. The teacher needs to make sure that each student gets affirmation, power, purpose, and challenges.
The second quote that i liked was, "Because you are a human being, endowed with the value and possibilities of humanity, i must treat you with dignity."
I like this quote because it reminds us that the students we teach are human beings with feelings and expressions.
The last quote that i liked was, "learners are adaptable." this quote means that students will adapt to your classroom specifics and that you can make it hard for the student or you can make it easy. You can make adapting to your classroom easy if you let the students know what your expectations are.  

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing that teachers can loose focus and forget these children ARE human beings and not just irritating obstacles.
